Full papers submission
The papers must be submitted online, through conference e-mail: jle2020@ipb.pt
Notification of acceptance
Deadline for early registration
Deadline for registration with additional costs
XXX Luso-Spanish Conference on Scientific Management
Cross-border cooperation has increasingly taken a considerable importance in the context of regional, national and international development. Nevertheless, its correspondence to the cohesion strategy between people and regions is not always visible. In the border regions, given the geographical conditions, historical and cultural secular relations, there is an acute need for both people, in general, and local/regional or/and public/private entities, in particular, to engage continuously in new challenges of effective cross-border cooperation. This incitement seeks to create a space of good neighbourliness and social and economic prosperity, strengthen cooperation networks and exploit new opportunities for a more cohesive, sustainable and competitive development in border areas.
The XXX Luso-Spanish Conference on Scientific Management, entitled ‘Cross-border cooperation: development and territorial cohesion’, intends to contribute to the enrichment and sharing of technical and scientific knowledge in the various areas of management. This event intends to build bridges, break down walls and open plural paths to the scientific community, fomenting the exchange between the international academic and the professional universes. Therefore, the School of Technology and Management of the Polytechnic Institute of Bragança and the Applied Management Research Unit (UNIAG) are honoured to announce the XXX Luso‑Spanish Conference on Scientific Management that will be held from 5 to 8 February, 2020.
We look forward to seeing you in Bragança – Portugal.
The Organising Committee.